Sunday 27 January 2013

Cyclists on Pavements!

This is really one of my pet hates!
I have just looked up the definition of a pavement/sidewalk in the Dictionary:

'A raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a road'. Yes note the inportant word there, P-E-D-E-S-T-R-I-A-N-S!! They're for people just minding their own business walking along and suddenly you hear a whooshing sound behind you and you squish into the side and you've jsut missed being run over by a cyclist!

A simple excuse-me would suffice!
Roads are for any form of transport which could cause danger for walkers, surely! I understand that some roads are busy, but buy the right kit and you'll be alright and ask yourself the question, should I really be cycling along here anyway? If a road is really busy.
The reason I am so frustrated by this is that I am partially sighted and the pavements where I live are very narrow and I think cyclists should take this into account (the narrow pavements obviously, not my eyes!). I find it hard to see cyclists coming up behind me. We have underpasses under the road here as well and although there are big blue notices saying 'CYCLISTS DISMOUNT' most cyclists completely ignore this and zoom down the subway at great speed meaning all the pedestrians have to move out the way. This is fine if you're a young person like me but I am concerned for older people who can't move out the way so quickly and might go flying.

Why can't cyclists have a bit of respect or just common sense really, these days. Just a simple excuse me when you're behind me and I'd happily get out your way. I am mindful of other walkers on the pavement (for example, those who want to walk faster than me, I let them pass). So why can't cyclists do that too?

Sunday 20 January 2013

The Bexhill to Hastings Link Road

Yep as promised here is my opinion on the infuriating Link Road. (Honestly aren't there more important things to worry about!)

Please bear in mind this is my own opinion, yours may be different but any rude comments will find themselves deleted. Constructive criticism is fine though.

Yes I am all for saving the environment and preserving a beautiful place like Combe Haven but sadly this road is now desperately needed due to the number of people coming to live in East Sussex. The current road is just permanently clogged with cars crawling along at a snails pace. I have often been stuck in traffic jams on that road for 15 minutes or more. Sadly it is just not fit for purpose anymore and we really do need another route. What happens if your a doctor at the Conquest for instance, stuck on that road and you're needed at the hospital to save someones life? With two possible routes between the two towns I feel things would be much easier.

Another thing that is getting on my nerves is that some of the protesters getting arrested aren't even from around here. They come from as far afield as Cardiff and Sheffield! Do they really honestly care about what is going on around here? It seems to me they are just 'anti-road' people. A point actually raised in this weeks Battle Observer. Any road being built anywhere in the country and some people just jump up and moan and protest!

My final point is that I'm sure the designers will try and keep the road looking nice with trees and shrubs and things. With the Lamberhurst bypass a couple of years back, they planted loads of trees at the road side. And in about 50 years I'm sure it'll look really nice along there. No one complains about the Lamberhurst bypass any more. I think the same will happen with this road. It will all quieten down after a few months of use.

All this protesting is making life very difficult for some people who live around the site. Just the minority making things difficult for the majority, as usual!

Not much snow here, maybe a centimetre.
See you next week, not sure what I'm going to write about yet.
Miss P

Sunday 13 January 2013


Yes you've guessed it. The subject of this weeks blog is diets!

They are everywhere at the moment, what with it being New Year and all.
Does anybody really keep to them ? (I'm excluding celebrities and their weird diets from this). To me they just seem to make a person miserable and sad they can't eat a nice chocolate muffin now and again.

In my personal and humble opinion, if you need to lose weight, EXERCISE is the best option. The three best activities you can do are walking, swimming and cycling. They don't need to be boring. Look at all the lovely countryside we have here in the UK, there are loads of trails up and down the country with maps for you to find points of interest with. I'm not the biggest fan of the standard 'walk' but give me a totem pole or stone circle to find and I'm off! Trails are not just for children they can be rewarding for adults too. It may take a while to find one you'd like to do but think how good you'll feel afterwards!
Everyday while away at Uni I try to have atwhen you get into the swing  least an half an hour walk, just think, do you really need to take the car? Even if it's stinking wet I try and get out there. I know it helps me to sleep among other things.

With swimming you can set yourself targets and stuff. I always do 30 lengths, maybe a few more. With swimming I know there's the issue of having to wear a swimming costume in front of other people but if you look, there are some good suits now that can cover everything up.

Cycling, well there's lots of trails about with flat easy surfaces and no cars. Along old railway lines and things like that. You can always hire/buy a tandem and go with company.
Another thing I reckon would change peoples perception of exercise is if they went back to playing school sports. Lots of pople do do that I know but I think others are put off by the competitive nature of the veteran leagues and things. I think there needs to be more recreational veteran school sport teams. You never know you could set one up yourself!
Yes exercise can take time and effort to organise but it'll all be worth it in the end, you can even have that chocolate muffin I mentioned earlier as a reward when you get into the swing of things.

Wow I written like a self help essay, oops it wasn't supposed to be like that!
See you next Sunday when I'll be musing about a certain Link Road...

For now, keeeeeep exercising!
Miss Pencil

Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Sound of Music!

First of all-Happy New Year to you dear reader! It is one of my New Year's resolutions to start a blog so here it is.

Welxome to Miss Pencil's musings on life and so on...anyway on with the show.

Yesterday I declined an expedition to go and see the Life of Pi in 3D at the cinema. This was because I wanted to stay at home and watch the Sound of Music. Why? Such madness! I hear you cry. Well, I have seen it at least five times now but that was before I was an adult. I was interested to see what I would make of it now as a grown up. Would I fast forward through I Have Confidence (I used to think it a boring song!), would I fast forward through all the Maria and Captain V-T's romantic bits (boring!) or would I fast forward the Nazi's raid on the Abbey (very scary!)

No I didn't....

I thought it was brilliant, I loved every minute. The romantic bits are amazing! I Have Confidence is actually a really good song and the scary bit, I coped!
However I did notice a couple of subtle things that I've never noticed before.
1. When the Captain, Uncle Max and the Baronness are driving to the house they pass a monastery and you can hear the monks singing the same song as the Nun's sing at the beginning.
2. Franz the Butler is a baddie! When Rolf/Ralph/Ralf? first comes to deliver a telegram, Franz opens the door and asks 'Any developments?' and Rolf/Ralph/Ralf? replies 'soon yes soon' or something like that.
3. The BBC must have been showing it in HD or something because the picture quality was really clear and the colour was excellent. I couldn't remember all those shots of Austrian landscapes at the beginning before Julie Andrews' hill twirling.

So an afternoon well spent I think and if you haven't seen the Sound of Music, WHY NOT!
Show it to your children before it's too late and they have taken up Call of Duty or start listening to One Direction. This beats them any day.

Will write again soon, (Saturday I am hoping) but for now..
Signing off.
Miss P