Sunday 27 January 2013

Cyclists on Pavements!

This is really one of my pet hates!
I have just looked up the definition of a pavement/sidewalk in the Dictionary:

'A raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a road'. Yes note the inportant word there, P-E-D-E-S-T-R-I-A-N-S!! They're for people just minding their own business walking along and suddenly you hear a whooshing sound behind you and you squish into the side and you've jsut missed being run over by a cyclist!

A simple excuse-me would suffice!
Roads are for any form of transport which could cause danger for walkers, surely! I understand that some roads are busy, but buy the right kit and you'll be alright and ask yourself the question, should I really be cycling along here anyway? If a road is really busy.
The reason I am so frustrated by this is that I am partially sighted and the pavements where I live are very narrow and I think cyclists should take this into account (the narrow pavements obviously, not my eyes!). I find it hard to see cyclists coming up behind me. We have underpasses under the road here as well and although there are big blue notices saying 'CYCLISTS DISMOUNT' most cyclists completely ignore this and zoom down the subway at great speed meaning all the pedestrians have to move out the way. This is fine if you're a young person like me but I am concerned for older people who can't move out the way so quickly and might go flying.

Why can't cyclists have a bit of respect or just common sense really, these days. Just a simple excuse me when you're behind me and I'd happily get out your way. I am mindful of other walkers on the pavement (for example, those who want to walk faster than me, I let them pass). So why can't cyclists do that too?

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