Sunday 13 January 2013


Yes you've guessed it. The subject of this weeks blog is diets!

They are everywhere at the moment, what with it being New Year and all.
Does anybody really keep to them ? (I'm excluding celebrities and their weird diets from this). To me they just seem to make a person miserable and sad they can't eat a nice chocolate muffin now and again.

In my personal and humble opinion, if you need to lose weight, EXERCISE is the best option. The three best activities you can do are walking, swimming and cycling. They don't need to be boring. Look at all the lovely countryside we have here in the UK, there are loads of trails up and down the country with maps for you to find points of interest with. I'm not the biggest fan of the standard 'walk' but give me a totem pole or stone circle to find and I'm off! Trails are not just for children they can be rewarding for adults too. It may take a while to find one you'd like to do but think how good you'll feel afterwards!
Everyday while away at Uni I try to have atwhen you get into the swing  least an half an hour walk, just think, do you really need to take the car? Even if it's stinking wet I try and get out there. I know it helps me to sleep among other things.

With swimming you can set yourself targets and stuff. I always do 30 lengths, maybe a few more. With swimming I know there's the issue of having to wear a swimming costume in front of other people but if you look, there are some good suits now that can cover everything up.

Cycling, well there's lots of trails about with flat easy surfaces and no cars. Along old railway lines and things like that. You can always hire/buy a tandem and go with company.
Another thing I reckon would change peoples perception of exercise is if they went back to playing school sports. Lots of pople do do that I know but I think others are put off by the competitive nature of the veteran leagues and things. I think there needs to be more recreational veteran school sport teams. You never know you could set one up yourself!
Yes exercise can take time and effort to organise but it'll all be worth it in the end, you can even have that chocolate muffin I mentioned earlier as a reward when you get into the swing of things.

Wow I written like a self help essay, oops it wasn't supposed to be like that!
See you next Sunday when I'll be musing about a certain Link Road...

For now, keeeeeep exercising!
Miss Pencil

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